Town Champion Handbook
Welcome and Introductory Information for Town Champions
Here is a one page document that answers the basic questions about CCB4ME that is useful for Town Champions, especially those just getting started or thinking about becoming a Town Champion
Approaching YourTown Government
Here is a one page document that answers the basic questions about CCB4ME. Use it to help explain to anyone who asks for a concise description - select board members, city councilors etc.
Warrant Articles and Town/City Resolutions
See Part 3 below for samples of these documents that can be adapted for your town or city campaign.
Conducting Your Campaign Part 1 Tips for Town Champions
Conducting Your Campaign Part 2: Outreach
Resources Created and Used By Town ChampionsThe folder at the link above contains various communications that TC's have used in working with their Town/City Officials. You may find them useful to adapt for your own Town campaign. Make your own copy of a document before making changes.
Posters/Signs Made By Farmington Area Students Perhaps these can be used/adapted in some way for your town campaign!
Conducting Your Campaign Part 3 Official Documents- Warrant Articles and Resolutions
Town and City Documents
Warrant Article Petition Template and Municipal Resolve
The document you use will depend upon how your municipality governs. Contact your Town/City Clerk to find out. Important tips about petitions and warrant articles: If your town requires signatures on a petition in order to get an article in your town's warrant for the annual town meeting: be aware they will probably require that petition you circulate to have the proposed article itself on every page of the petition. Check with your town clerk about properly wording the article. Double check with the clerk about design of the petition (i.e., what-all columns you need).
We have provided 2 different examples of possible wording for an article. The shorter version came from an article that was written with the advice of the town clerk in a small Maine town, and matches their typical warrant article. The longer version resembles the wording used by some New Hampshire towns last year. Check with your town to find the best wording for your local needs.
Town Warrant Article: make a copy of this file to your own Google drive (click on the link, then File->Make a copy) and replace all occurrences of '(YOUR TOWN)' with your town's name, then print.
Town Warrant Article (Short Version)- Take a look at the town's warrant from a recent previous year to see how articles tend to be worded. This short version article is modeled after Chesterville town meeting warrant articles.
Town Warrant Article Petition: Use this document to get signatures if your town requires a petition to get the article on your town's meeting Warrant.
Town Warrant Article Petition (Short Version)
Municipal Resolve : Use this document if your town does not have a Town meeting but has another form of government such s Select Board or Town/City Council.