Printable Files,
Documents and Resources for
your Carbon Cashback
Town and City Documents
Warrant Article Petition Template and Municipal Resolve
The document you use will depend upon how your municipality governs. Contact your Town/City Clerk to find out. Important tips about petitions and warrant articles: If your town requires signatures on a petition in order to get an article in your town's warrant for the annual town meeting: be aware they will probably require that petition you circulate to have the proposed article itself on every page of the petition. Check with your town clerk about properly wording the article. Double check with the clerk about design of the petition (i.e., what-all columns you need).
We have provided 2 different examples of possible wording for an article. The shorter version came from an article that was written with the advice of the town clerk in a small Maine town, and matches their typical warrant article. The longer version resembles the wording used by some New Hampshire towns last year. Check with your town to find the best wording for your local needs.
Town Warrant Article: make a copy of this file to your own Google drive (click on the link, then File->Make a copy) and replace all occurrences of '(YOUR TOWN)' with your town's name, then print.
Town Warrant Article (Short Version)- Take a look at the town's warrant from a recent previous year to see how articles tend to be worded. This short version article is modeled after Chesterville town meeting warrant articles.
Town Warrant Article Petition: Use this document to get signatures if your town requires a petition to get the article on your town's meeting Warrant.
Town Warrant Article Petition (Short Version)
Municipal Resolve : Use this document if your town does not have a Town meeting but has another form of government such s Select Board or Town/City Council.
Community Information Resources:
Here are some resources to address questions that will come up as you talk with your Town Officials and others in your communities:Tom Berry's CCB4ME Presentation at SOME Planeteers Event April 2021 Tom did a super clear, concise, compelling narrative with this presentation. Here also is the Powerpoint Presentation that Tom used in his presentation; you could perhaps use or adapt it for your campaign. To do so, please go to File - Make a Copy and save the presentation in your own drive; then you can edit as much as you like
Town Meeting Talking Points This is a compilation of questions that frequently come up along with answers! You may add to this if you have other questions that come up. Or you can email the Team and they will add your questions.
Ideas For CCB Public Outreach and Education This document has some ideas for ways to bring CCB4ME into public awareness. It is a work in progress and will be updated as we all come up with new ideas. Add your ideas to the list if you like!
Resources Created and Used By Town ChampionsThe folder at the link above contains various communications that TC's have used in working with their Town/City Officials. You may find them useful to adapt for your own Town campaign. Make your own copy of a document before making changes.
Posters/Signs Made By Farmington Area Students Perhaps these can be used/adapted in some way for your town campaign!
Dr Drew Barton on Carbon Fee and Dividend A recent talk for Farmington Area Rotary, Mar 18m 2021, contributed by Fen FowlerThis is a convincing argument and less than 1/2 hr. The Q& A is another 20 minutes or so.
Pecha Kucha on CCB4ME by Cynthia Stancioff Cynthia presented the traditional 20 slides20 seconds each for the CEBE Conference March 2021
Former Senator Tom Saviello interviews Cynthia Stancioff and Peter Dugas. Fantastic new resource from Cynthia with cameo appearance by Peter Dugas, CCL Maine's EnRoads Ambassador.
Town Champion Updates
Town Champions please log in here with brief updates on what you are doing. You will see examples when you open the document. Thank you!
Here is a one page document that answers the basic questions about CCB4ME that is useful for Town Champions, especially those just getting started or thinking about becoming a Town Champion
Here is a one page document that answers the basic questions about CCB4MEUse it to help explain to anyone who asks for a concise description - select board members, city councilors etc.
Script for Town Meeting
What to say right before the vote: Town Meeting Statement
Presentations for Town Meeting , Deliberative Session, Select Board Presentation
Carbon Cash-Back Presentation: MS Powerpoint
Presentation adaptable for Town Champions to use . Please contact Sam Saltonstall, or at 207 838 9843. He is with the Brunswick CCL Chapter. He set up this presentation and has volunteered to help adapt it to the needs of Town Champions.
Talking Points for Answering Conservatives' Questions
- Engaging Conservatives on A Climate Solution. This is a concise, useful list for answering questions about carbon pricing.
Published Media
Town Meeting Results and Other Related Articles:
Starks Voters Approve Budget and Carbon Fee Request, Mar 14, 2021 CMN
Carbon Dividend Bill in Line with Trend Away from Fossil Fuels , PPH Mar 14, by Philippa Solomon
Proponents of Climate Change Carbon Resolution Voice Message at Town Meetings, Other Venues Mar 12, CMN , by Amy Calder
Op Eds and Letters to the Editor about CCB4ME and the Carbon Cashback Policy - Feel free to plagiarize!
OpEd Gerry and Mark Reynolds OpEd appeared in BDN on 4/19/21,
OpEd Maine Compass: Maine Communities Must Be On the Front Lines of Climate Fight, 4/ 4, 2021, by Jennifer Kierstead
LTE: Support Carbon Cash Back, Apr 5, PPH, by Nancy Hasenfus
LTE: Misconceptions Arise on Carbon Fee, Mar 21, 2021, CMN, by Cynthia Stancioff
Opinion: Will Palermo Choose the Path of Sustainability?, Feb n25, Town Line , by Pam McKenney
Coverage: Local Advocates Ask Residents To Weigh in on CCB4ME, Mar 1, 2021,Daily Bulldog, by Hannah Paige
LTE: 33 Years of Failure, Feb 24 2021, BDN, by Bill Lee
OpEd: Carbon Cash Back 4ME, Lewiston Sun Journal Dec, 2020 by Cynthia Stancioff
OpEd: Carbon Dividend is the Perfect Answer to Climate Change, Dec 14, 2020, BDN, Patrick White, Students for Carbon Dividends
Column: Carbon Cash Back 4 ME, Dec 2020, West End News by Tom Berry
LTE: Response TO PPH Maine Voices Column Jan 20, 2021 by Cynthia Stancioff
LTE: To Reduce Emissions, Price Carbon, Feb 4, 2021, Central Maine Newspapers, by Cynthia Stancioff, Feb 4, 2021
Coverage: Petitioner Garners Support for Carbon Price, Jan 28, 2021,Seacoast Online , by Tom Berry
LTE: Stepping Up With Climate Action( reply to above), Feb 14 2021, BDN, by Bonnie Sammons
OpEd: Late GOP statesman saw viable climate solution , Feb 14 2021, PPH, by Cynthia Stancioff
Other Media
Sample CCB4ME promotion for Weekly Newspapers or other publications by Cynthia Stancioff
Letter to Sen King Dec 2020 from Peter Garrett
Wall Street Journal Economists' Statement
The Federal Carbon Cash-Back Bill
Fact Sheet 1 (2 pages: talking points and benefits)
Fact Sheet 2 (1 page: a policy summary)
Town Champion Updates
Town Champions please log in here with brief updates on what you are doing. You will see examples when you open the document. Thank you!
Example Bills:
In Congress:
The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 763) is effective at reducing US and global emissions, good for families, good for jobs, protects businesses, and has bipartisan support.