Carbon Cashback 4ME Campaign

About the Campaign

Carbon Cashback 4ME is a campaign in which concerned volunteers with the Citizens Climate Lobby are seeking endorsements from Maine municipalities, businesses and community leaders in order to bring a practical, equitable, effective climate solution and constituent support for it to the attention of our elected policy-makers at the state and federal level.

The Municipal Resolution to Take Action on Climate Pollution

We the town of TOWNNAME hereby call upon our State and Federal elected representatives to enact carbon-pricing legislation to protect Maine from the costs and environmental risks of continued climate inaction. To protect households, we support a Carbon Fee and Dividend approach that charges fossil fuel producers for their carbon pollution and rebates the money collected to all residents on an equal basis. Enacting a Carbon Cash-Back program decreases long-term fossil-fuel dependence, aids in the economic transition for energy consumers, and keeps local energy dollars in Maine's economy. Carbon Cash-Back has been championed by US economists (Jan 17, 2019 WSJ) as the most effective and fair way to deliver rapid reductions in harmful carbon emissions at the scale required for our safety.

We expect our representatives to lead in this critical moment for the health and well-being of our citizens and for the protection of Maine's natural resources upon which we all rely.

The record of the vote approving this article shall be transmitted by written notice to TOWNNAME State Legislators, to the Governor of Maine, to TOWNNAME Congressional Delegation, and to the President of the United States, informing them of the instructions from their constituents, by TOWNNAME Select Board, within 30 days of this vote.